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The Alchemy of Software Engineering

It is a seemingly miraculous transformation or creation of something based on the combination of technologies and ideas - that is alchemy...

A Musical Experience That Changed My Life

It was about believing that we as humanity could do it, that we as a people and as a nation, could overcome the division, the differences...

Social Entrepreneurialism, Now You Know...

As I encounter new folks who inevitably ask the question “what do you do for a living,” they usually turn their expression from curiosity...

The Questions That Changed My Life

One of the aspects of my college education that I was really grateful for was studying philosophy because, inevitably, I came across the...

On The Foundation of Our Being: Where Quality is Born.

A year or two ago, when I was living in El Sauce, Nicaragua, I was reading the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Throughout...

Outlaw to the Conventional

It seems funny to speak of such things, maybe borderline elementary and childish, given that I am almost 30, that I have had my small...

A Letter

For The Captivator of Heart, I woke thinking about an incongruity in my heart, one which I believe finds itself in yours as well. Love is...

Professional Drift

I was in a conversation with a few friends recently that centered around an issue one of them is having concerning their professional...

Proudly Millennial

I have heard many times now in my young adult life that there is an expectation that our generation will not be as well off as that of...

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