One of the aspects of my college education that I was really grateful for was studying philosophy because, inevitably, I came across the following quote:
“An unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates
And more than just that, studying philosophy really taught me how to think about things and how to question things. So, I want to share the questions that I have asked myself that have fundamentally changed the way I think about life and how I live it.
The Questions That Changed My Life
What does being happy really mean for me?
What really does “success” mean?
Do I really have to do what society says I should do in order to be successful?
Do I really need to have relationships with people I don’t get along with?
What does “family” really mean? Why can’t I define what “family” means for me?
What are the three most important things that I want in life? What are the three things that I don’t want in life?
Do I really need an MBA or can I educate myself?
What are my two most important goals I want to accomplish during my life time?
What do I have to give up in order to achieve my goals? And is that sacrifice worth it?
How would I feel if I didn’t attempt my life goals and chose a more socially acceptable “safe and secure” life path?
How would I feel if I attempted my life goals and failed? What if I succeeded?
What would be the worst possible outcome if I failed and what would I have to do to get back on track?
Is overcoming the fears and challenges of trying to accomplish my life goals worth the risk?
What are my limiting beliefs that keep me from advancing in life?
Am I capable of recognizing and correcting self-limitations?
What is currently holding me back in life?
What are my unproductive or self-limiting habits and what do I need to do to overcome them?
Am I doing what is necessary to take care of my body and mind? Where do I want to be with my personal health?
If I could only own 100 things what would they be?
Life can be such a beautiful experience despite the incredible challenges we sometime have to face. Unhappiness is a serious indication that we are amiss, that we are not aligning ourselves to our passions and embodying our True Self as authentically as we can. Ask yourself these questions! Get a pen and a journal or something to write on and take a free morning to dive deep into these questions. Who knows, they may just change your life too!
And please comment! Please share! Please enjoy! And please think about you! If you are interested in going deeper, do a google search on this topic. There are a ton of great resources out there.