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Catholic Institute Infrastructure Project - 2014

Achievement: Built two new classrooms, renovated a space for a library, and created a faculty office for a private Catholic school which didn't have enough classroom space for all of the institue's students.

I worked as a trainer and co-facilitator with a teacher that taught an entrepreneurial class to senior high school students in what was an old storage room for the school. The room had a low tin roof, brick walls and no lighting. In a town which consistently had temperatures in the low 100s, this classroom became an oven and made learning impossible. I spoke with the teacher after school one day to throw around ideas of what could be done to improve the space because the environmental conditions where creating poor performance and behavioral problems in the students.


In a nutshell, the project started as installing a ceiling inside the room to shield the heat from the zinc roof to address bigger needs at the school where ¼ of the students took class outdoors. The project included the construction of two new classrooms, the renovation of an existing building to eventually locate a library, and renovate an area that could serve as a faculty office. The pictures that you see above are of the new classrooms. These are the only classrooms in town with ceiling fans and indoor lighting to create a much cooler space for students and the teacher.

The project was approximately 18,000 USD and included the involvement of community leaders, the local priest from the Catholic Church, the Ministry of Education and the local Mayor’s Office.

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